Payment Options
Purchase and Payment
You may pay for products only by online payment by using your Visa/ MasterCard or PayPal credit or debit card and can choose Cash on Delivery (Purchase more 500 baht). The payment must be made in Thai Baht. When you place orders, actual payments will be charged only upon Giordano's acceptance of your orders and the formation of your contracts. All payments must be made to Giordano, who will either accept payment in its own right or through its agent.
Online payment
Credit/Debit Card : Accept a credit and debit card from Visa/ MasterCard (Debit cards must be registered to pay online.)
PayPal : Pay using Paypal registered account
COD : Cash on Delivery (COD at Minimum purchase 500 baht)
คุณลูกค้าสามารถชำระเงินผ่านช่องทาง ดังต่อไปนี้
และสามารถเลือกชำระโดยการเก็บเงินปลายทาง (COD) เมื่อมียอดสั่งซื้อสินค้าตั้งแต่ 500 บาทขึ้นไป